What is Uniswap: A First-Of-Its-Kind Exchange

CoinW Exchange
4 min readJan 23, 2024


Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

Uniswap has become a behemoth in the world of decentralized finance (DeFi), but what exactly is it, and how did it get here?

This article delves into the intricate world of Uniswap, exploring its unique selling points, historical journey, diverse use cases, underlying technology, its growth and investment potential, as well as comparisons with centralized exchanges.

A Revolutionary Approach to Crypto Trading

Uniswap is a decentralized crypto exchange (DEX) launched in 2018 by Hayden Adams, a software engineer passionate about open-source finance. Unlike traditional centralized exchanges (CEXs), Uniswap operates on a peer-to-peer (P2P) network powered by smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

How Uniswap Works

Uniswap’s Automated Market Maker (AMM) system replaces traditional order books with liquidity pools. These pools hold equal value in two different tokens, and users swap their tokens by directly interacting with the pool. The AMM algorithm adjusts the pool’s token prices based on supply and demand, creating a dynamic and efficient trading environment.

However, Uniswap’s potential extends beyond simple token swaps. Users can:

  • Earn passive income by providing liquidity to pools and collecting fees on trades.
  • Create custom tokens and list them on Uniswap for decentralized trading.
  • Develop DeFi applications on top of the Uniswap protocol, fostering a vibrant ecosystem of innovative projects.

Pros and Cons of Uniswap

Perhaps the biggest advantage of Uniswap is its ethos of decentralization, which translates into censorship resistance from the user point of view; no single entity can block or restrict access to Uniswap and its functionalities, promoting financial freedom and inclusivity.

In addition, Uniswap operates on a distributed network, eliminating the risk of single points of failure or centralized control. Unlike centralized exchanges (CEXs) which hold your funds, users retain complete control over their private keys and assets on a DEX.

However, DEXs also have limitations:

  • Lower liquidity and slower trades: Compared to CEXs, DEXs can have lower liquidity and less immediate trade execution, especially for larger trades. CEXs typically boast much higher liquidity than DEXs, meaning there are more buyers and sellers available to match your orders. This translates to faster trade execution and less slippage (the difference between the expected and actual price you receive). This is especially beneficial for large trades or those seeking immediate execution.
  • Steeper learning curve: Using DEXs typically requires more technical knowledge and understanding of blockchain technology compared to user-friendly CEX interfaces. CEXs typically have more user-friendly interfaces and offer dedicated customer support, making them easier to navigate for beginners.
  • Less competitive fees for smaller transactions: While DEXs often tout lower fees, CEXs can sometimes offer more competitive rates for smaller trades, especially when considering gas fees on DEXs.
  • Smart contract risks: While secure, DEX smart contracts can be susceptible to vulnerabilities and exploits, posing potential risks for users.

Choosing between CEXs and DEXs is a trade-off. CEXs offer convenience, speed, and features, but at the cost of some control and potential for censorship. DEXs prioritize decentralization and censorship resistance, but require more technical knowledge and can be slower and more expensive for certain types of trades.

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Is Uniswap A Good Investment?

Uniswap all-time price performance (Source: CoinMarketCap)

Initially, Uniswap saw slow but steady growth. However, it experienced explosive growth in late 2020 and early 2021, propelled by the DeFi boom and rising ETH prices. Uniswap reached its peak total value locked (TVL) of over $25 billion in May 2021, coinciding with the peak of the overall crypto market.

In terms of price performance, UNI launched in September 2020 at around $1. Within a few months, it skyrocketed to over $40 by May 2021, riding the wave of the DeFi boom and rising Ethereum prices. Increased interest in DeFi protocols, Uniswap’s user-friendly interface, and its role as a core infrastructure for token swaps fueled the rapid price appreciation.

Following the broader market correction in mid-2021, UNI’s price plummeted to below $20 by September 2021, dropping further to hover between $4 and $8 throughout 2023. The general crypto market downturn, concerns about DeFi sustainability, and competition from other DEXs such as SushiSwap and Curve contributed to the price drop.

As of January 2024, it has regained some ground, hovering between $6 and $8, even as it maintains a healthy daily user base of around 30,000–40,000 across different chains. Ultimately, whether UNI is a good investment for you depends on your individual risk tolerance and investment goals.

Overall, Uniswap’s growth and adoption have been remarkable, demonstrating its resilience and adaptability. However, the DEX market is dynamic, and Uniswap needs to continuously innovate and address challenges to maintain its leading position. At the same time, even as the DeFi space matures, Uniswap is poised to remain a central figure, constantly evolving and shaping the future of decentralized finance.



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